Are you new?
If you are an Episcopalian, worship at St Alban’s will probably be quite familiar to you. You might not be familiar with Enriching Our Worship, which we use in rotation with the other Eucharistic prayers already in the Book of Common Prayer. You might be surprised by how many children are part of our congregation, and how free and involved they are in worship. We are probably more “low” than high in style, although we take liturgy seriously. You are welcome here – and we are glad you’ve come!
If you are not an Episcopalian, but are coming to visit from another Christian Church, you will definitely find us different from what you are used to. Hopefully you will experience warmth and welcome. We do have a short handout that you’ll receive, to help you make sense of what you are seeing and hearing.
Briefly, though, we are biblically serious. We read through most of the Bible during our worship over each three-year cycle by including a section from the Old Testament, a Psalm, a New Testament Epistle and a reading from the Gospel every week. But we keep our sermons short, and urge you also to reflect on the readings at home.
We have a Facebook page, and a daily newsletter sent to any who ask for it, which is also posted there.
As a denomination we are socially liberal – We ordain women and LGBTQ persons. And we stand officially against the death penalty, for immigration reform, against restriction on women’s health issues, including the legality of abortion, and we know for sure that Black Lives do Matter.
We celebrate Communion every week, to which every Christian, no matter how young or of what denomination, is always welcome.
And we wear masks. All of us who can be vaccinated have been, and we work hard to protect the youngest, the elderly and those who are ill.