The Tree-planting Project
More than a year ago, we started thinking about, and designing a plan for the use of our land. Behind our building there is a large field, backing up to a thick area of trees, which has never been developed. Deer and other animals use that forested area for feeding and rest. We want to protect our environment and to celebrate it, and to make it more beautiful and useful as a place of rest and re-creation for those who come.
Over time our plan has been modified and finalized to continue to use our current food garden area, playground space, to develop an area of prairie grasses and flowers, and to plant a deeper border of native trees on three sides of our land. This will include hardwoods, as well as smaller ornamental trees liked redwood and dogwood, and some fruit trees.
Gale Roberts is in charge of this tree/land development project.
*As help is needed to place the very large (1/4 acre) tarp to begin preparing the first section for prairie planting, we will announce a work day in the newsletter and ask for volunteers.