St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Thursday, October 28, 2021

All three celebrations in one this Sunday(a reminder…)All three in one! I was happy to note that in Guatemala, and probably in other countries as well, all three days are celebrated publicly on one national holiday that combines elements of all of them. There was a time when it was possible to ask parishioners to celebrate each separately, and expect people to come together, and for the church to be able to do justice to each of them. That isn’t possible or practical when even Sundays meld with all the other days in our public arena – Worship once a week in community is hard enough!
But this is why we will celebrate all three on Sunday – AND why I hope you will celebrate each in its turn at home in some simple way. Each has its own specialness and its own emphasis and traditions.
After Eucharist this Sunday we will give you coloring pages for the children that include suggestions for remembering these days at home – AND simple daily prayers for each day. I firmly believe it is within families that faith is best developed and nurtured – and then celebrated when we come together on Sundays.
On Sunday! expect that the weather will provide us a warmish, clear day in the mid-60’s after all this cold and rain (right now it’s 47 degrees out and raining steadily.)
After Eucharist we will gather in the parish hall and outdoors for lunch and activities. We have pre-packaged: chocolate chip and blueberry muffins, strawberry yogurt, plain applesauce small “lunchables” with ham, cheese and crackers, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit cups (pears, peaches or mandarin oranges)string cheese, and Capri Sun to drink -Hopefully your children will find a few things they will eat!
After lunch we will have pumpkins to carve AND/OR jars to cover with fall leaves (Mod Podge to the rescue here!) for candle holders.
And outdoors games – and time to just be together

All Saints Day At the Eucharist Please bring photos of those whom you have loved – family or friends – who have died. If they are framed, even better, but it isn’t necessary. We will display them around the altar as we worship. You can take them home after church.
Also – There will be a large piece of paper on the altar itself so that as we begin worship every one – or a member of each family, can write down the names of those who have died. We will put that under the altar cloth before Eucharist, and leave it there all of November – so that as we celebrate, as we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus, as we think of life everlasting – we will have them in our minds among us.
I promise a festive Eucharist and a short sermon! The readings are almost sermon enough
There will be many candles; symbols of Jesus who is Light, and resurrection and eternity.
The color is white – for resurrection – so you will notice a change in the banners, flowers, and vestments.
The small crosses will be also be-ribboned with white, and I hope some of the children will be ready to carry crosses in the procession.

Remember: children are welcome to dress up in costume for church this week if they wish to do so



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