St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Still joyful in hope

First – birthdays this week
Gale Roberts whose work on the tree planting project and the prairie restoration project is so important to us

Kim Moudy 
who has worked so hard to get the farm ready to begin the Lewis Equine Assisted Program up and running.

Sarah Cox turns 16 today – I ask your prayers for her and for her family today. She is struggling a great deal these days, and is much beloved.

And then pictures from a wedding! Jen moved to Kansas City in the fall for a new job and a future husband, but she is still connected by our newsletter. Yesterday she sent wedding photos. Here she is with her husband, Ryan Shafer. Pray for them as they begin their new life together in such beautiful joy!

Today completes another Share Your Christmas Event
Yesterday Janet Wray and Louise Ritter assisted with distribution of our gifts. Debra Beal has been there steadily from the beginning, as always. Please pray today for her dad, Lowell Korber, whom you all know and love, who is experiencing increasing struggles as he ages.

More about Mary’s Song – Luke 1:46-55“Every discussion about “Biblical womanhood” should include the fact that in Luke 1, two pregnant women celebrate their new motherhood by passionately discussing the coming overthrow of every earthly empire.” Kaitlyn Schiess
“I take such delight in the silence of the men in the Christmas story. Zechariah can’t speak. Joseph doesn’t speak. The words and emotions of Mary and Elizabeth are unapologetically centered. The sound of Advent is the voice of women.” Cole Arthur Riley



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