St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Monday, February 7

A Few Notesand a couple of birthdays!
What do we mean by prayer?
Do you find yourself lifting your heart to God during the day? Noticing the beauty or goodness of others and thanking God for them? Do you find yourself overwhelmed or stressed and mutter, “O, God” under your breath? How about praying with your children at meals or at bedtime? Ever discover that you’re singing a hymn under your breath?Remembering that you’ve memorized a piece of scripture and being glad for it?Do you ever set aside a few minutes for regular prayer – Maybe some quiet time alone before God – without words, or reading Morning Prayer alone or with a spouse – or do you ever follow a service of Compline online? How about just having an ordinary conversation with God about your day? Ever get disgusted with God, or discouraged and tell God so? Have you painted or drawn a picture and let the colors speak for you when you have no words? Or gardened and rejoiced at the tiny green growth peeking through? Listened carefully to a friend or a stranger to hear their heart?
Yesterday Sandy Sherry completed a full year of writing and posting her daily gratitudes – I’m into my third year of doing it. Being thankful is a way of prayer.
There’s no wrong way to turn your heart toward God – and I suspect you do it more than you think. Notice yourself this week – You might be surprised.

Queen Elizabeth, who just celebrated the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne has always acknowledged her responsibility before God.
But this is still moving: “What impressed most who saw the Coronation was the fact that the Queen herself appeared to be quite overwhelmed by the sacramental side of it. Hence, in the spectators, a feeling of (one hardly knows how to describe it) – awe – pity – pathos – mystery. The pressing of that huge, heavy crown on that small, young head becomes a sort of symbol of the situation of humanity itself: humanity called by God to be God’s vice-regent and high priest on earth, yet feeling so inadequate. As if he said, ‘In my inexorable love I shall lay upon the dust that you are, glories and dangers and responsibilities beyond your understanding.” C S Lewis

The readings yesterday sang the same theme: God’s Word to Isaiah, to Peter and the others – to us. C S Lewis was speaking about the very young queen – but it is true of us all.

When Ezra Whatley celebrated his birthday a week ago, he asked for a “bug party”. And, creative as always, Amanda accommodated that by making bug masks, and a bug cake!

Yesterday was Michael Elliott’s birthday and today is Lowell Korber’s. We remembered them both in the prayers of thanksgiving.

If you did not get to hear Ryan Williams’ homily yesterday, it’s on our Facebook page and on the St Alban’s YouTube channel.
And I have also posted the sermon by the Rev. Eleanor Whalley, from St Andrews, in Soham, England. She reflects on the queen’s commitment as well – and her courage in light of the gospel. Eleanor is an excellent preacher. It is also available of the the Andrews’ YouTube channel.
And if you were not able to listen to the Absalom Jones service yesterday afternoon from Kansas City, you can find it on the Diocese of West Missouri YouTube channel as well – If you don’t think you have time for all of it – at least move ahead to hear Bishop Diane Bruce.

Prayer request
Please pray for Lily Shepard. She fainted in her class today and they called 911. She had a 10 second cardiac arrest in the ambulance. Lily is in the hospital now, where cardiologists are monitoring her to discern what caused this. She is so very young, and we want to wrap her – as well as Paula and Joe – and the doctors and nurses attending her – in prayer and love.



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