St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Lowell Korber, jelly donuts and Alleluias
Farewell for Lowell Korber
This Sunday, February 27, Deann Megonnell and Debra Beal will bring their dad, Lowell Korber, to St Alban’s for the last time before he moves to Nebraska.
Lowell and Jerri began attending St Albans about 2005. They were both active in everything we did. He continued to live alone for some years even after Jerri died in 2014, but this weekend his daughters are moving him to a senior living apartment in Lincoln, Nebraska, near to most of his family.
We will have a short coffee hour after church both so that you may speak to him – and so that we can fill up on jelly donuts and other treats before Ash Wednesday. You can also see what Deann has to say about living in Hawaii!
Lowell has been a steady, dependable, faithful member of St Albans. Please try to be here if possible to say goodbye to him. This is not an easy move for him – as he is giving up much of his independence as well as many friends.
Mardi Gras – sort of
Although Lent doesn’t begin for another week, there ate a few things we need to do now to get ready –
We will NOT have our regular pancake dinner and party on Shrove Tuesday – even though COVID numbers are down, Bolivar did lose 8 people to the virus in February, and we have had many more who are ill.During church, or afterwards, all children and any adults who wish, will color some Alleluia butterflies or fill in the words for the banner that we will bury after the coffee hour, to be brought out again at the Easter Vigil.

A Lent- Easter Project
Mari Woosley and I have dreamed up what looks like a cool idea for all of us during Lent – and Eastertide – but beginning now. Each week I will post one scripture from the coming week’s liturgy – for all of us to think about during the week.

We will all focus on the same text all week.

We’d like you to share it with your family on whichever days work for you – read it over, talk and think about it more than once, maybe as a story that can be acted out, or a reading you can do together.
But this is for adults, too. Write your own short reflection, or a prayer, take a photograph, or make a drawing or poem or painting. Whatever it is, encourage it in yourself.
Every Sunday we will have a basket to collect your offerings. Of course you might not have something contribute every week, but if you do – fine! We will share some of them on our page, and in the newsletter during the following week. After Pentecost, we will gather all of the offerings up and put them together in a booklet to give to you all – so we can remember this time during the long green summer season.
Children usually do like to see their own work in print – so encourage it. Never underestimate what they are thinking or understanding – never.



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