St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Last Sunday before Lent

What happened today –
And what didn’t

Our friend, Lowell Korber, wasn’t able to be with us for his farewell celebration, because he has been in the hospital most of the week. Two of his daughters, Pam and Kris, have taken furniture and other items to Lincoln today, so that his apartment will be ready when he gets there. That will actually be much less stressful and confusing than it he had had to watch it happen. All four of the girls have worked to pack his things, and to facilitate this move. It’s not been easy.
Deann will pick him up from Mercy tomorrow morning and drive the five hours or so straight to his new home. I will see her in town for breakfast first, though, and so will convey all your greetings and best wishes. Do please pray for him. Transitions are so often really difficult. And his medical situation is not good, or improving.

Today’s excellent sermon on the Transfiguration will be available on our website and on our youtube channel, but also in print. If you missed it, you will want to hear or read it later.
Ryan Williams preached with grace and authenticity as he always does – and I am grateful for his call, and for his perseverance in responding to it.

Yesterday, Saturday
was the funeral for the Rev. Steven Wilson, beloved, long-time rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage. Bishop Bruce officiated, and Bishop Barry Howe preached. You can find the service on the Grace Church Youtube channel.

Yesterday afternoon was also the farewell celebration for Father Frank Sierra, retiring after 17 years as rector of St. Phillips, Joplin. We have also had the retirement of Father Ken Chumbley, rector of Christ Church, Springfield, recently, and soon we will have the departure of Father Jos Tharakan, rector of St James, who will be leaving for Boise, Idaho where he will be consecrated bishop in June.
This is a lot of loss for one area of the diocese – and there is alot of grieving going on.

What affects one – affects us all.
Please pray for each of these congregations, and for Bishop Diane who will be working to help their leadership find great people to replace these we have lost – all of them good and holy priests.

We had a celebration

Since we aren’t having our usual Mardi Gras party this year – (hopefully we can have it again in a more COVID-free next spring) – we did have a time of fellowship after Eucharist since we had already bought the donuts for Lowell’s party.
We completed a beautiful Alleluia banner and had a good time together.

Here are a few photos –



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