St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Wednesday, March 2, 2022
a happy birthday and Ash Wednesday

Today, March 1st
RB Walker turned three. Here are some adorable pictures of him and his little sister, Lindsey. Happy birthday!!!

Ash Wednesday notes

Remember, services at 12 and 5:30pm
When you come tomorrow, please look through the Lenten booklets and see if there is one that appeals to you – We have daily reflections by Henri Nouwen and C S Lewis as well as a few others. There are also options for families and one for teens. If you see something that might be helpful, please feel free to take it home.

Any families that have not yet taken their children’s activity books, “What We Do In Lent” – please pick them up. You can copy the material for multiple children. There is a page for every day – beginning with Ash Wednesday.

A reflection by Lisa Inman
I will post her whole piece on our Facebook page, because you will want to see her photography, but here is part of what she wrote: “Fresh as the Shriven Snow” Lisa is a friend, and a member of St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church in our diocese.

“In Dante’s Purgatorio, the first thing Dante is bid to do is wash his face with dew, reflecting a doctrine that we really don’t subscribe to anymore: the doctrine that the first duty of a penitent is to be cheerful…
But shouldn’t we be sorry for our sins? I hear the reproach. Why, certainly – but isn’t it so relieving to get started tidying up, to begin pointing one’s feet toward home? Yes, but why the long face about it? I just watched a video of a young Ukrainian girl demonstrating how to start, drive and make off with a Russian tank. I bet she remembers that she is but dust, and the video was funny as hell.
In a time when some people are demonstrating how unrepentantly wicked they’ve chosen to be, I think it’s imperative that any penitence we undertake is purposeful, to the point, and above all, cheerful. We are good. People are good. We might feel broken from time to time, but nobody is broken on a fundamental level. I escaped that thinking about myself, and I am determined to free other prisoners.
Pancakes tonight, fasting tomorrow, and a smile for both.”



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