St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Friday, March 11, 2022
Daylight Savings time – 2 AM

Bishop’s Committee Sunday
Daylight Savings Time begins
Sunday at 2 AM
Here’s your hymn for the day before – to help you get ready – It’s a joke, but it’s kind of cool. Whatever works. For me it will be an earlier bedtime on Saturday.

Please continue to pray for our children. As soon as one is well, another is sick. We are going to be glad when the weather gets warm and stays nice – and these various and sundry viruses go away.

Let your children see that the branches from our star magnolia placed on the altar on Ash Wednesday are beginning to bloom What looks dead isn’t always.

Bishop’s Committee, Sunday, March 13
We will have a bishop’s committee meting on Sunday after Church. There are several important items to discuss – from the budget (which is in better shape than it has been for a couple of years,) to the land use plan, especially a plan for the gardens – to some needed maintenance on the building, to planning for Holy Week and Easter.
Please plan to be here.

Becca might be inefficient about getting readers’ lists out, but she is awfully good at climbing up on ladders, changing light bulbs and filters, figuring out how to get the noisy fan in the bathroom fixed and trouble-shooting our troublesome printer. Thank you!



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