St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Saturday, March 19, 2022

Lent 3 C Joseph, Mary’s husband, Jesus’ dad

When you think of Joseph
Do you think of Mary and Joseph dancing together? Today is the feast of St Joseph…Some parts of Christian tradition, based on nothing at all, has assumed a couple of weird things about Joseph – which you will sometimes see in art. First, that he was a very old man, presumably to explain why he isn’t present in the later gospel stories, and to infer that he and Mary really didn’t love each other at all, but that he was merely a protector for her and Jesus. Perhaps the idea of Mary having actual sex disturbed people who wanted to make her into a kind of eternally virginal being, but that isn’t biblical either. They were real human beings, flesh and blood – with real human experiences.
And I love this piece of art by Sister Joanne Gallagher of the Congregation of St. Joseph.

I do not know the artist for this piece – but it is wonderful, too.

About Mary Egger and those Ukrainian Easter eggs -We were going to have her come teach us to make them. But. She is stressed and sad because of the attacks on Ukraine and feels she can’t teach right now. We totally respect that. Hopefully by next year we will be able to do it with gladness again In the meantime, we were going to charge people to come learn this skill and donate the proceeds to Mary to contribute for relief.
Since we can’t do it that way, we will still make a contribution to Ukraine relief.
ANYone who wishes to add to this may write a check to Episcopal Relief and Development or simply write “Ukraine” on your check to St Alban’s, or put cash in an envelope marked for Ukraine, and we will get it sent this week.

Coffee hour
This weekend is giving us perfect weather -so we can open doors if we want, the kids can enjoy outdoor play, and we can finally begin having regular fellowship time after church again.
One child promised to make chocolate chip cookies for Sunday. We won’t hold John Mark to that promise, but anyone who does want to bake something for tomorrow is welcome to do so!

A word about liturgy
If you are a fan of, Call the Midwife, you know Sister Monica Joan. She is so often the voice of wisdom. And this is wise.In these troubled times, when our own words are hard to find.



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