St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Thursday, March 31, 2022

Trees are here! SATURDAY planting day
Remember the tree-planting initiativeby the diocese?
Three years ago, just before COVID hit, congregations were urged to plant trees as a way to show are for the environment. We have land. So, we decided to do it. But before we could, we needed to decide what we wanted to do with the whole block of land behind and beside the church building.
We already had a garden and a playground, and a couple of sheds out in back. We needed to check the boundaries and measure our space – and we planned a native tall-grass prairie area, too – So many people dreamed and discussed and planned, and changed the plans, and re-planned, and got grants, and last fall, we finally lay down the massive tarp to cover the first stage of the prairie, which will be planted in the fall of 2022.
The large food garden tarp was laid again, and that space will be ready for tilling and planting soon. What we grow will be available to all of us, and to anyone in need – as we have done in the past. We are planning a special children’s planting area too this year!
And then we ordered tree seedling from the Mo Dept. of Conservation – LOTS of tree seedlings.
They arrived today – All of these!
50 Pin Oak tree seedlings
50 White Oak
50 Northern Red Oak
50 Black Oak
10 Shortleaf Pine
50 Black Cherry
100 Redbud
50 Grey Dogwood
25 Washington Hawthorne
25 Serviceberry
Tree PlantingTHIS Saturday 10 AM
You remember that we want a border 3-5 trees deep around three sides of the back property. And that there are already some wild trees around the back and south where wildlife already hang out. On Saturday morning we will use orange spray paint to mark out the borders of the prairie area and then begin planting the large trees in groups of five of each kind, alternating the large tree species, and then adding the smaller ones. 
Gale Roberts will be in charge.

PLEASE come to help. Wear clothes and boots or shoes suitable for getting dirty – and wet – And bring a friend or two! Anybody, connected to St Albans now or in the past, or just ordinary friends are all welcome to come help create this space.
We will provide water and lemonade all day and lunch as well. The weather looks like it will be favorable, warm but not too hot – despite the snow, cold and rain today. And the ground will already be wet – which helps, too.
This is DEFINITELY a children’s activity – although they are welcome to work a little, play a little, eat a little as they wish. But having even little children to hold and pass the seedlings to adults, and to actually plant them, too – will be a huge help. And as spring arrives and the little trees begin to leaf out, they will be able to see what they’ve done and watch them grow.



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