St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Friday, April 1, 2022

Not April’s Fool…More trees arrived today…A Mystery?

Does anybody know where this is? I have been looking through hundreds of old photos from St Alban’s first house gatherings in 1990. In 1996 St Albans was meeting in a building in Prairie Heights. That’s when this photo was taken. We have a good one made by Deann Megonnell. But I would love to bring this one out if I had any idea where it might be? It is not in ANY of the rooms or storage places at St Alban’s. Does anyone know when it was last seen? Used? It’s a mystery!

Today Gale Roberts used the concrete blocks to mark out the eventual 1/2+ acre prairie area so that we don’t plant any trees where we won’t want them later. Tomorrow we will plant primarily in the north and west edges – leaving the area by the sheds clear so that we can remove them without driving over baby trees. Hopefully that will be done soon – but we do still have a couple more kinds of trees on the way that will go in that area.
Please, if you are able to give us even a couple of hours anytime tomorrow, after 10 AM, DO come!
We can also work on Sunday afternoon to get them in the ground. It seems we will get rain Sunday night through Tuesday which will be perfect for these little trees!



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