St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Monday, April 4, 2022

Yesterday, today and the week to come

The bishop stopped by on her way north.
It was just supposed to be a quick stop to see the building and say hello – She planned to be gone by 11:00. But Becca Cox was here – and Ryan Williams – and Ruth and Larry Lewis, and Janet Wray and Paula Shepard – and we didn’t let her leave until 11:30. She will doubtless post her own photos and give her own report, but as for us, we had a great time. Bishop Diane is funny. And fun. And smart. She listens. She cares. It’s truly a new day. I can’t wait till you ALL get to enjoy her when she comes on December 4 – which we will celebrate as St Nicholas Day.

The week to come
Palm Sunday will be the last day you are required to wear masks – The COVID numbers in Polk County are way down. We are all vaccinated. If you are over 50, I hope you have gotten your second booster as well. If not, do it. The virus dies when it can’t find hosts.There will still be people who DO need to continue to wear their masks and keep some distance from each other; We encourage you to do so without shame or self-consciousness. AND anyone who is assisting with Communion WILL wear masks going forward. COVID is an airborne virus. We will need to stay out of each other’s faces as we serve the bread and wine.
Church on Palm Sunday
We will enjoy hot-cross buns made by Janet Wray – and a couple of kinds of soup. Please do stay if you are able.
CHILDREN especially will be invited to decorate the large Paschal candle that will be lit for the first time on Easter Sunday. We have colored wax that can be cut into shapes of flowers, or birds, butterflies, waves of water, fire – whatever signals the resurrection – and placed on the candle – They will stick! Adults may assist, if the children ask.
There is another craft, too for Sunday afternoon, making butterfly sun catchers to hang in our church windows during Eastertide.
Palm crosses will be made as well by adults and older children – Everyone should feel free to take some of the palms home to keep to remind you of the victory we have in Jesus – and also to preserve for next Mardi Gras – when we will bring them all back for the pancakes and party – after which we will burn them into the ashes for Ash Wednesday. Hopefully we will be able to celebrate the entire year in a more normal way by then!

On this Saturday
Steven Grainger and Ryan Williams will hold a garden work day THIS Saturday beginning at 9:00 AM. Everyone is invited to come – Ryan is also making a survey to give to you all next Sunday about possibly changing worship times and deciding on time for the adult classes which will begin the Sunday after Easter.
A few photos after Church yesterday – Notice that Ellie is more interested in the photographer than in her daddy – or in Olivia, either!!
I don’t have a still photo of seven-year old Ezra Whatley reading the first lesson yesterday – but the video is on the facebook page and on our website. If someone did take a picture of him – please send it so I can include it tomorrow. I was very proud – and I know you were, too. ANY child or adult who is willing to read, or to gather the offerings, to assist with communion, to play any instrument for the Offertory, or to sing – please just let Mother Cathy know. Everyone’s gifts and talents are welcome. Always.
Any adult who would like to plan activities for the children after Easter with Olivia Cox, or to lead a weekday gathering for a book study, or a discussion group on any topic – or anything else – just say so.
If anyone is in need of a key to the building and does not have one – please let Becca Cox know. This is YOUR home and you need to be able to get in.
Gale Roberts and Ryan Williams talking about the baby trees – how to mark, mulch and otherwise protect them – to make sure they remain visible as the grass grows up around them.
A belated Happy Birthday to Michelle Morgan, and Judith Cain. We pray you were celebrated well and happily!



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