St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Wednesday, April 27, 2022
A Very Special Birthday!The Rev. Larry Lewis turns 90 today!
Last week when we were talking about Larry’s upcoming birthday, Xavier, the 13 yr old, reminded us that he had never known Larry when he was young and active as a priest in this diocese. He isn’t the only one either! Almost none of you knew him when he was serving multiple congregations in the Diocese of West Missouri. Larry and Ruth came to worship with us only after he had retired. So here are some photos, so that you can see him then.
And yes, when YOU turn 90 you can have a whole newsletter devoted to your life, too!

A great story – Larry in sculpture
From Larry: “We finally remembered who sculpted it – -a man named Bill Severson. That makes it form the 1960’s because we and Bill were all at Trinity Church in that decade. How it all happened was that Bill wanted to make a portrait of Francis of Assisi. He asked me to pose for his sculpture when my beard reached the point of scroungy that Bill was looking for. Our copy is, you might say, an honorary one. I can’t remember where the original one ended up”

And Larry today – still engaged and interested in everything – even the Belgian chocolate brought back from Michael’s vacation on Palm Sunday!



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