St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Early SummerTrinity Sunday
It always falls on the Sunday after Pentecost – as if to sum up what we have discovered about the personality and character of God over this whole cycle of feasts from Advent through Pentecost. And many preachers hate it. It is kind of a joke – but it is also understandable: Almost anything we might say will be heretical in one way or another. Our words don’t make that kind of divine mystery easily accessible to us. At least, logic doesn’t.

Trinity Sunday
Writen by the great Welsh poet and Anglican priest, George Herbert (1593-1633) Herbert reflects a traditional understanding of sin – expresed so well by Kathleen Norris: “The concept of sin does not exist so that people who may need therapy more than theology, may be convinced that they are evil and beyond hope. It is meant to encourage people to beleie that they are made in the image of God, and to act accordingly. Hope is the heart of it, and the very present possibility of transformation.”

Lord, who hast form’d me out of mud, and hast redeem’d me through thy blood, And sactifi’d me to do good;
Purge all my sins done heretofore: For I confess my heavy score, And I will strive to sin no more.
Enrich my heart, mouth, hands in me, With faith, with hope, with charity; That I may run, rise, rest with thee.



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