![]() St Alban’s Episcopal Church Bolivar, Missouri Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Bits of news ![]() News about our building So far in the last week Becca has figured out what was wrong with the new garbage disposal: nothing. It was the outlet itself. And she’s gotten it fixed. She climbed up and dismantled the noisy fan in the women’s bathroom, cleaned it up and cleaned it out, took it to Polk County Electric to get advice, tightened all the connections up inside the housing, and, lo and behold – a silent fan again! She is still waiting for the new glass for the north sanctuary windows to be delivered and installed. We are waiting for new light switches for the parish hall lights and fans. And the Church Isurance Company has asked for an engineer to come look at our roof to see if needs to be replaced after that hail damage. The man the insurance company sent out to assess damage took drone photos and is concerned, but it needs further investigation before we do the repairs of the porch roof and other damages. You will notice that the lodge next door with an identical red metal roof is having it replaced right now. News from the Garden There are peppers, tomatoes, squash, watermelon, cucumbers and carrots rowing that seem to be withstanding the heat. We DO need you to take the remaining lettuce, now in the back planters THIS WEEK. If you want some, just take the whole plant. It will not tolerate this heat beyond Sunday. If you come during the week, that’s fine too. If you are inclined to want to weed – please don’t! There are flowers seeded between the rows of veggies – We need to let them show themselves first. ALSO – Ryan asks any of you with animals to please save manure or old dirty straw for us to work into the garden this fall – We still have pretty hard soil which would benefit from mulching and manuring. We have tubs if you don’t have anything to save it in. ![]() ![]() ![]() News from our people Last Sunday RB sat with me and carefully drew a picture in red, green and blue. When I asked him to tell me about it during the peace, he said, “It’s God, of course.” This is why we privilige kids. They see what we miss, they notice what we take for granted, and they hear every word. And this is how they learn what liturgy is about. Today is Sandy and Ken Sherry’s 42nd anniversary! Please continue pray for Debra Beal and Paula Shepard, as well as for Janet Wray, and Melody Adams who are ill. News about the Adult Class Ryan WIlliams’ adult class at 9:30 on Sunday will have Ruth Lewis as guest speaker. You won’t want to miss her telling about her first experience with the Mystery, or the Mystical, that is God. If you are goiong to purchase the book, Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans, which will be our next read, you might want to do that soon. We will be finished with the one we are using now by early July. News about a Support Group Coming in August Beginning on Thursday evening, August 25th, at 5:30 pm St Alban’s will host a weekly supprt group for anyone experiencing mental illness. It will be led by Dr Lori Cohen. We will advertise this online and in the Bolivar newspaper. So many people in our area and in our local churches are struggling with depression and other issues but have no place to be with others where they can give and receive support and talk openly without shame. We want to change that. News about liturgy for the next two weeks This Sunday, June 19, Becca, Minda and the children will be gone to St Louis for a gathering of the Rivendell Community. I will celebrate Eucharist, but Paula Shepard will preach as I am trying to get my own homily finished for Father Jo’s ordination as bishop of Idaho the next weekend. On June 25, our friend, Father Jos Tharakan will become bishop of Idaho – If you want to watch that service look for the link in next week’s newsletters. On Sunday June 26, we will have a service of Morning Prayer. Ryan WIlliams will preach. ![]() ![]() ![]() |

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