St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The Hymns
Why do the hymns we choose for our ordinations, weddings, or funerals even matter? They matter, because hymns can speak our hearts and minds beautifully and memorably. Notice what Fr. Jos is saying to his new diocese – and to God – in these hymns:

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
Make me a channel of your peace, Where there is hatred let me bring your love;
Where there is injury your pardon, Lord; And where there’s doubt true faith in you.
Oh Master, grant that I may never seek, So much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of your peace, Where there’s despair in life let me bring hope;
Where there is darkness, only light; And where there’s sadness ever joy.
Make me a channel of your peace, It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
In giving of ourselves that we receive; And in dying that we’re born to eternal life.

The Servant Song (This was written and popular in the 1970’s. The language has been updated several times to be gender-inclusive, but I do not know what version he is using. This is the original. And the message is the same.)
Brother, let me be your servant. Let me be as Christ to you.
Pray that I might have the grace, To let you be my servant, too.
We are pilgrims on a journey. We are brothers on the road.
We are here to help each other,Walk the mile and bear the load.
I will hold the Christ-light for you. In the night time of your fear.
I will hold my hand out to you; Speak the peace you long to hear.
I will weep when you are weeping. When you laugh I’ll laugh with you.
I will share your joy and and sorrow, Till we’ve seen this journey through.
When we sing to God in heaven, We shall find such harmony,
Born of all we’ve known together, Of Christ’s love and agony.

Ubi caritas
Ubi caritas et amorUbi caritasDeus ibi est.Where charity and love areThere is God.

I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light
I want to walk as a child of the light, I want to follow Jesus.
God set the stars to give light to the world, The star of my life is Jesus.

In him there is no darkness at all,the night and the day are both alike. The Lamb is the light of the city of God,Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus.

I want to see the brightness of God. I want to look at Jesus.
Clear sun of righteousness, shine on my path, and show me the way to the Father.
I’m looking for the coming of Christ, I want to be with Jesus. When we have run with patience the race, we shall know the joy of Jesus.

Lift High the Cross (Notice that although this sounds militaristic, the sign is the cross of the dying Lord, and it is his death, in Love, and through Love, and for Love, that “conquers” all sin and alienation, all death)
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim Till all the world adore his sacred Name.
Led on their way by this triumphant sign, the hosts of God in conquering ranks combine.
Each newborn servant of the crucifiedbears on the brow the seal of him who died.
O Lord once lifted on the glorious tree, as Thou hast promised, draw the world to Thee.
So shall our song of triumph ever be: praise to the Crucified for victory.



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