St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Saturday, July 2, 2022

About Church this Sunday

COVID numbers on the rise

Independence Day We didn’t always recognize it
The 1785 Convention of the Episcopal Church directed that a service be drawn up for this day, and “That the said form of prayer be used in this Church, on the fourth of July, for ever.” The Proposed Book of 1786 contained “A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the inestimable Blessings of Religious and Civil Liberty”  to be used on the Fourth of July. “Notice the emphasis on BOTH religious AND civil liberty. BUT the presiding officer (the equivalent of our Presiding Bishop), William White, was opposed to the service, since many of the clergy had been Loyalists, and were against the Revolution. The General Convention of 1789 supported White, and the service was withdrawn from the 1789 BCP. We care a great deal about courtesy. And also about the fact that we had, and have, differences of opinion about whether this or any nation should be specifically celebrated in worship. The Church of England had regular and required prayers for the king in worship; we do not. But not everyone who became an American de facto after the war was excited about it. Propers for this day were published in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, when those who had opposed the celebration were dead. But it was not a major feast. The 1979 BCP (p. 17), lists Independence Day as one of the “Other Major Feasts.” Eucharistic readings are provided. We will use them tomorrow, but with a sober emphasis on this: “O, let America be America again -the land that never has been yet -And yet must be – the land where every man is free.” Langston Hughes

More news from St. Alban’s COVID 
If you are uncomfortable coming to Church as COVID numbers are on the rise again, please understand that there is no reason for anxiety about staying home. IF you come, please, if you are an adult, do wear a mask. People who are getting sick now have been vaccinated, boosted and are wearing masks. It is that contagious. It may not make you terribly sick, but it can be terribly inconvenient. And be careful if you gather in crowds this weekend, anywhere. Minda is still miserably tired and sleeping much of the day as well as all night.

About that hail damage – You remember how much damage was done in Bolivar back in April. We have not repaired any of it yet, because we are waiting for the Church Insurance Company to decide whether or not the church roof needs to be replaced. A structural engineer came this week and his report will be ready in a couple of weeks. We don’t have any opinion about that, but we can’t move forward until we know how much the insurance will pay to help with the repairs to the porch roof, the gutters, etc.

The new windows – You will notice that the two long windows on the north side of the sanctuary that had become clouded (due to water from the outside walls that had gotten between the panes) were replaced this week. This was not caused by the hail, and we did not include it on our damage report.

The playground – The grass and weeds have grown up all around the playground chain link fence, and inside on the gravel. We need help to weed eat the whole area, or to use a “flame thrower” to get rid of these weeds. When fall comes we will need to sand and repaint the large play structure as well. It is sturdy. We don’t need to replace it. But we don’t want splinters, either. If you can help, please contact Becca (298-4728).



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