St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Thursday, September 29, 2022
St Michael and All Angels

Angels are harder for us to grasp than demons, it seems. Our culture rather enjoys frightening itself by imagining an evil spiritual entity that is out to “get” us. And when we mess up, we appreciate having something outside ourselves to blame it on, other than our own weakness and failure. But the messengers of God, beings that do God’s bidding on our behalf, are harder to imagine rightly  Still, the Bible is full of angels – from Genesis all the way through to Revelation. Whatever else they are, sweet, fat babies, or pallid winged females robed in white,  are not it. A few have been given names – Michael, Rafael, Gabriel – and do you notice what their names have in common? El – God. Michael – named in the book of Daniel – means “Who is like God?” Gabriel – who appears in Luke – means, “God is my strength” Rafael is named in two inter-testamental books, Tobit and 1 Enoch. They were written in the couple of centuries before Jesus. Rafael means, “God has healed.”
When you read the stories in which they appear, their names make a good deal of sense. They bring the presence and attribute of of God that is needed at a particular time. What else could Mary have needed more than “God is my strength?”
Angels are all around us. And usually they appear in human form, as at the Oaks of Mamre to Abraham and Sarah. Keep an eye out for one who brings the power and peace of God to you. “Many have entertained angels unaware” ..the Bible says, Be aware. And thank God when they come to you.  

Hymn #282Christ the fair glory of the holy angels (Rabanus Maurus 776-856)
Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels, maker of all things ruler of all nations,
grant of thy mercy unto us thy servants steps up to heaven.
Send thine angel Michael to our succor;
peace-maker blessed, may he banish from us striving and hatred,
so that for the peaceful all things may prosper.
Send thine angel Gabriel, herald of heaven,
may he from us mortals, drive every evil,
watching o’er the temples where thou art worshiped.
Send from the heaven, Rafael thine archangel,
health-bringer blessed, aiding every sufferer,
that in thy service, he may wisely guide us,
healing and blessing.
May the blest mother of our God and Savior,
may the celestial company of angels,
may the assembly of the saints in heaven,
help us to praise thee.
Father Almighty, Son and Holy Spirit,
God ever blessed, hear our thankful praises;
thine is the glory which from all creation ever ascendeth. 




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