St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Sunday, October 23, 2022

News From Today Luke 18: 9-14
A really good sermon on today’s reading can be found on the St Alban’s Facebook page or on Brian Zahnd’s YouTube channel for Word of Life Church dated today. The title is “…Me, A Sinner”. He said the same things I said, but he preaches a lot longer and a whole lot better! I urge you to watch it.

Great News about Ryan Williams!
Ryan has been approved for ordination to the transitional diaconate! He and a few others will be ordained at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kansas City on January 7, 2023 at 10:30 AM. Yes, we WILL all be there! Much more to come about this later – but do congratulate him when you see him. 
He will be assigned to Christ Church, Springfield during his diaconate. I specifically requested that appointment for him because their interim rector, Ron Keel is my smart friend, and there are plenty of families and children there who will welcome Anna, John Mark and Eleanor.

After the whole of COVID-time, Bettyann Reed was back with us today for the first time. She is masked because she can’t afford to get anything else –  and because her not-COVID cough might scare you. It was wonderful to have her back.

Our baby trees are beginning to grow up!
I don’t know if you have noticed, as the grass is dying along the north side of the parking lot, but as it falls down, you can more easily see the trees that are planted there. Some of them are getting really tall! This one is nearly 4 ft tall. And there are many, any in the “back 40” that are doing as well. You won’t notice them until the prairie grass dies down, but there are there. It’s because we left the grass to grow up around them to shade them and to help hold water in the soil, that they didn’t all die in the extreme drought we have had.



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