St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
When the Bishop comes part 1 – Who is she?

The Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce was elected Bishop Provisional of West Missouri at the 132nd Annual Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri, on November 6, 2021. She began her service among us on December 1st of last year Bishop Diane was the seventh bishop suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles from December 2009 until October 2021. (A bishop suffragan is an assisting bishop – she has a whole lot of adventures in those years, and loves to talk about that time!) 
She previously served for 10 years as rector of St. Clement’s by-the-Sea Church in San Clemente, California. The first woman to be elected bishop in diocesan history, she was ordained to the episcopate on May 15, 2010.

Prior to her ordination, she served Wells Fargo Bank as vice president, compensation management, and analysis. She was employed by Wells Fargo (formerly Crocker Bank) in various capacities since 1980.
Ordained a priest in 1998 in the Diocese of Los Angeles, Bishop Bruce speaks Spanish, Mandarin, and some Cantonese as well as English.

She holds a doctoral degree from Seabury-Western Seminary (awarded in May 2011) as well as a master of divinity degree from the Claremont School of Theology and a bachelor’s degree in linguistics from the University of California at Berkeley.

A native of Pequannock, New Jersey, Bishop Diane is married to G. Stephen (Steve) Bruce, a retired computer software engineer, a Spiritual Director, and who teaches Spiritual Direction through the Center for Spiritual Development in Orange, CA.

The Bruces have two adult children — a son, Max, and a daughter, Jardine – and one grandson. Her daughter is also expecting triplet boys at the end of this month! 

Bishop Provisional 
A provisional bishop has the same ecclesiastical authority and status as a diocesan bishop but serves for a limited time, similar to a parish priest-in-charge. Bishop Bruce is expected to serve us until the ninth bishop of West Missouri assumes their episcopacy. We are not yet ready to elect that person.
A period of probably another two years is anticipated. For us, that’s a good thing!

But what is she REALLY like?
Well, you’ll have to decide for yourself. She will be with us for St Nicholas Day on December 4.
But I can tell you this for sure: +Diane is smart, personable, easy to talk to, curious and interested in everything and everyone – 

Her areas of specialization include multicultural ministries, stewardship, and congregational development. She is a long time member of the Union of Black Episcopalians. And she is fully supportive of LGBTQ clergy and people.

When she visits anywhere, she takes photos and writes great posts – which you have seen on our Facebook page.

The bishop is no-nonsense, and yet relaxed and funny – sometimes very funny. When a decision has to be made, she can make it. But she is no terror. She takes the universal nature of the church seriously, and when she celebrates the Eucharist, she includes paragraphs in both Mandarin and Spanish. And yes, she appreciates the whole church – including the Roman Catholic and the whole variety of Protestant denominations. This is one of her very great gifts.

She will love your children, won’t freak out when a little one wants communion twice (or more) and is a very fine preacher.
I think you will be glad to know her. And I expect you will find her service helpful and joyful to St Alban’s as to the whole diocese.



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