St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Monday, December 5, 2022
Sunday’s wonderful celebration with The Rt Rev. Diane Bruce

What is a bishop, anyway, and why do we need them?
Jolyn Hecht led the sessions after church on this subject – and she and the children made this umbrella – the bishop as a unifier – It’s beautiful. Look closely at it on the wall if you haven’t yet.

The celebration
We had nine persons confirmed and received yesterday – Lori Cohen, Arielle Morgan, Eleanor Woosley, Xavier Cox, Dana Rocha, and Sandy Sherry were confirmed; Jon and Mari Woosley were received – and their marriage blessed.
But you have never seen a confirmation service like this one! Bishop Diane Bruce called each person up individually, asked then to talk about what they do for a living, what they love, why they choose the Episcopal Church – The answers were wonderful, and confirming to me that we are doing and being exactly what God has called us to be.

“Because we want our girls to have the same opportunities in the Church as our son has.” “Because the Episcopal Church shares my values” “Because this is a Church that welcomes everybody.” “Because the Episcopal Church was the only one that participated in the Springfield Pride march.”

And her prayers for each confirmand were different – reflecting what they had told her – prayers for Dr. Lori Cohen’s healing ministry, for Sandy’s ministry of music, for the two teenagers as they move into their future – for Arielle the artist, for Dana and her influence on her grandchildren, and for Jean, the teacher – and for the Woosley’s and the power of their marriage to impact others – It was beautiful and I think important for each one.
I so deeply appreciate Bishop Diane’s ministry among us in the Dioceses of West Missouri – for her knowledge, wisdom, flexibility and warmth – especially towards our children – for her willingness to sit and talk to everyone – and to listen.
Thank to each of you who worked so hard to get ready for her – cooking, cleaning, baking and decorating the many, many St Nicholas cookies ,practicing music – all of it!
Thank you also for your support for Ryan and Anna on this journey towards ordination. They will be attending Christ Church, Springfield during the period just before his ordination to the diaconate on January 7th, 2023, and then during the time – at least six months – that he serves as a transitional deacon before being ordained priest.

The top picture is of Bishop Diane and all the ones confirmed and received, who did the final blessing with her today – simply wonderful!

The bishop talking with Arielle Morgan before confirming her – about her art, her job as a tattoo artist, her appreciation for the Episcopal Church’s welcome of all people.

Confirmation of Eleanor Woosley – one of the two teenagers.

RB and Lindsay were not intimidated by the bishop – They still participated, washed their hands, and got their seconds, thirds and fourths of Communion bread! Ryan Williams assisted her at the altar.
All children are always welcome to participate in any way during every service of worship – to carry crosses, in the procession, to come up to the altar, to read one of the lessons.



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