St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Thursday, December 22, 2022

Almost Christmas!

The End of Advent – Almost
At this end of one season, and almost the beginning of Christmas – which lasts 12 fill days, I hope you have allowed this intentional quiet time to BE quiet – at least a little!
There is still time to find some minutes for deliberate waiting, for conscious longing for all you hope for – for seeking peace in the midst of sorrow or disappointment –
What we desire will never be fully fulfilled in this life – but we see glimpses of the heavenly kingdom all the time, if we are seeking to see.
Try to look – try to see beyond your circumstances, whether they are happy ,bewildering or sad to what this Advent point towards: the final Advent – the final coming of the Lord to make ALL things new…to right all wrongs, to heal all hurts, to bless all who are joyful and to restore to us all God’s original and good creation.

It isn’t going to be the presents we give or receive, or the food we make or enjoy, the good times with friends and family, or even the worship we share, that will demonstrate whether or not we have celebrated Christmas well – It’s something else.
As we look forward to a new year – we want to be able to show the world what Christmas really meant to us. Many of our neighbors and friends are weary of Christmas – and of Christians. It is up to us to demonstrate that laying down every privilege except strong and determined love IS what we mean by saying that “God is with us.”



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