St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Monday, January 2, 2022

The Christmas hymn we didn’t sing
The Week to Come

Ordination of Ryan WiIliams

Love in Flesh (to the tune of, Children of the Heavenly Father, text by our Sandy Sherry – 1996)
In a bleak and humble stable,
There is born One who is able,
With His winsome love, to reach us.
In His wisdom, He will teach us.
Love in flesh that can’t contain it;
By our lives, may we sustain it.
Drawn in wonder to God’s glory,
Let us live the Christmas story.
To a world that’s hurt and broken,
The Word of God has spoken;
Through Emmanuel is giving
Pow’r and strength to guide our living.
Earth and heaven are uniting
Through God’s gift, and our inviting.
May the joy within us swelling
Make a home for God in dwelling.

We sang this last year – and it is beautiful. But I hope you really read the verses and think about it theologically. It is a bit like what I said in yesterday’s homily. There is a great amount of depth here – and I am again grateful for Sandy’s spiritual insights.

This week Ryan Williams will be ordained deacon at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kansas City on Saturday, January 7, 2023. The service of ordination will begin at 2 pm. We will be taking a van from St Alban’s, leaving at 10:45 AM for anyone who would like to ride together. (We will leave early because Mother Cathy will need to be there in time to vest and rehearse with the other presenters.) We will stop in Osceola to pick up Ruth and Larry Lewis. Anyone who needs a ride, please contact Becca (298-4728) or Cathy (399-4671) so we don’t drive off and leave somebody!

This is a big deal for Ryan and Anna and the children – and for us all. He will serve a minimum of six months as deacon at Christ Church, Springfield, before he is ordained priest.
Please send a note of congratulations along with your promise of prayers for him to St Albans so we can deliver it, or bring it with you to the ordination. It matters a great deal for him to have this assurance of your support and encouragement.

On this 9th Day of Christmas



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