St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Weekend Ahead
Palm Sunday

Details will follow every day next week – but set these times aside to worship together during the most sacred week of the Church year.

Palm Sunday – 10:30 AM – no adult Sunday School.

Maundy Thursday 6 pm with foot washing and a simple soup and bread supper – stripping of the altar.

Good Friday Solemn service at noon – Church will be open from 12-3 pm

Easter Day – 10:30 AM  Because we do not have the numbers to make both the traditional Easter Vigil and the Sunday morning service both celebrative, we will combine the two in this way, as we did last year: We will begin at 10:30 AM on Easter day with the first part of the Vigil service with the Vigil readings and prayers, and the lighting of the Paschal candle. At the announcement of the Resurrection, we will do as we usually do: tear down the black coverings, reset the table with white, and bring in the flowers, candles and the bread and wine for the Eucharist as the organ sings out the good news. And we will sing. And sing. And sing. There will be a festive coffee hour afterwards.

We Remember Calvary 4 :30 pm THIS Sunday Palm Sunday Cantata by the choir of Open Hearts Methodist Church here in Bolivar, (105 E. Division) where Sandy Sherry’s daughter, Bethany is the choir director. Everyone is invited.

Palm/Passion Sunday April 2, 2023

Easter all-ages choir
Sandy Sherry has gathered an all-age choir to sing on Easter Day or another of the Sundays in Easter. First rehearsal was last Sunday after Eucharist. It went really well. We will practice this week, Palm Sunday, as well. Please come-and encourage your kids to participate as well!

Palm / Passion Sunday – Sunday, April 2
As usual, those who can, will gather just outside the red doors to hear the reading of the Palm Sunday gospel before we process into the traditional hymn, “All Glory Laud and Honor to Thee, Redeemer King” Those who are more comfortable sitting may enter earlier, and remain in the pews bearing palms and singing as the others process.

Anyone who wants to learn how to make palm crosses to take home is invited to remain after Church during coffee hour (there will be coffee and something simple, soup and bread, to eat) There will also be coloring pictures for any kids who want them – for Palm Sunday and Holy Week



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