St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Yesterday’s celebration Memorial Day today Pentecost Yesterday

When Pentecost arrives on Memorial Day weekend, we can expect to be “thin on the floor,” and we were! Xavier had to serve double-duty! But the coming of the Spirit was properly celebrated anyway, and the Spirit’s power and presence will be embraced all year. Now that we are in the post-Pentecost season, we will enter the “green time” – the “growing season” after next Sunday which celebrates a theological idea – not an event Most on that later this week.

Memorial Day
As you celebrate the beginning of summer we remember the families of all who have been killed in any of our wars. We do this regardless of how we feel about war in general or about any particular one. We remember those who chose to risk – and were willing to lose – their lives because they believed in our democracy:
Oh God, the king of glory, in whose hands are the living and the dead: We give you thanks for all those who have laid down their lives in the service of our country. Grant them your mercy and the light of your presence; give us a sense of your will and purpose, that we may understand that the work you have begun in them will be perfected, through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, in whom all strife is resolved. Amen (From, Enriching our Worship)

Becca and Mother Cathy went to visit Bettyann Reed at Parkview rehab to take her communion after Church. She is doing remarkably, maybe even miraculously well. Not only has she lived when her doctors expected her to die, but she is getting well – really well!

Dana Rocha had a scary event yesterday and is at Mercy Hospital in Springfield. Doctors aren’t sure whether it is very high blood pressure or a series of mini-strokes but she is better today. She asked you to pray for her – for a good diagnosis and for peace.



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