Prayer Request

From Lexi Walker this morning:
“I had an ultrasound two weeks ago and the tech could not find Aviana’s stomach so she scheduled me for another limited ultrasound this past Monday to see if she could see it and get measurements. They still couldn’t see her stomach. We are being scheduled for more intensive check at Cox high risk fetal medicine. I know we shouldn’t be too worried yet because everything else was looking fine but please be praying that everything is ok with our baby girl! We have not gotten the call yet to schedule the intensive check. Rocky and I have been very emotional and anxious about it all.”

*For those of you that receive this newsletter and don’t know the Walkers, they are the family with the wonderful children that “help out” at the altar.*
Please add them (especially the parents Rocky and Lexi) to your prayers, not only are they dealing with the “not-knowing” but Lexi has been severally nauseous this whole pregnancy while mothering the other 2 children.

Heavenly Father, you sent your own Son into this world. We thank you for the life of the child, Aviana, entrusted to our care. Help us to remember that we are all your children, and so to love and nurture her, that she may attain to that full stature intended for her in your eternal kingdom; for the sake of your dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



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