St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Thursday, July 6, 2023


Thanks be to God!
Aviana Natasha Walker is a perfectly healthy baby! (RB and Princess Lindsey’s baby sister)Rocky and Lexi just sent me these pictures and gave me permission to share them with you. You will remember that at the end of May, Lexi had an ultrasound and the tech couldn’t find the baby’s stomach. Later she had another ultrasound with the same result, but with the addition of a potential problem with the baby’s esophagus. The doctor ordered an emergency intensive ultrasound – the hospital didn’t get the request – It was delayed again. It was scheduled for today. And FINALLY those two dear young parents can breathe and laugh and anticipate the birth of their baby with joy! Aviana is due October 9 – Please continue to pray for the family as they complete their time at SBU on August 4 and anticipate a move to a new job away from Bolivar before their baby is born.



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