St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Reflection and Anticipation The expected and the unexpected
What’s coming next

The sunflowers have something to say!

Every Sunday we have flowers on the altar – but this year we didn’t plant any, and very few of you have had them to bring, either. The heat killed off even our geraniums in front, and the poor hibiscus plants have wilted, too.
So how do we have fresh, unpurchased flowers every week?
We didn’t plant the sunflowers. I haven’t the slightest idea how the seeds got in that raised bed by the back patio. In fact, nobody even noticed them for months as they began to grow. But for the last five or six weeks they have gotten bigger, brighter and the flowers more abundant. A few self-seeded zinnias have appeared too.
They haven’t been tended, weeded or watered. And yet.
Sometimes our lives are like this – an unrecognized seed of something strong and beautiful is dropped in us – and we don’t even know it. We don’t remember it coming to us. We didn’t even give it any attention. And yet..
I hope that you are all on the lookout for seeds that might just beautiful St Albans’ future when they take root and grow – seeds you might not even recognize as viable, but which, if you have patience and hope, might just blossom into something better than you’ve ever known in this place.

Repair to the A/C and Office
The air conditioner in the north end of the building which was leaking from both the clogged intake and the rusted out-take pipes – will be repaired as soon as the insurance company gives the go-ahead.
The office will be repaired as soon as possible. We have approval for that already. In the meantime, we have arranged the parish hall to accommodate the couch and large chair, desk and end tables that belong to the office. You may use them to sit, obviously, but please try to keep children and food off of them!

What’s Coming Next
Well, we don’t know it all.
But we know this much: The Bishop’s Committee and the diocese together are planning to make it possible for you to have a priest more often than we first thought – and that is a good thing.
We know that many of you are positioned to lead worship and to preach when a priest is not available. And that, too, is a good thing.

We know that Jolyn Hecht is going to be taking over responsibility for a weekly newsletter. It will NOT be on Constant Contact, however, so you will see a new format – All of you who are receiving the newsletter now will be on the list for that one as well. and it will be shared on our Facebook page as usual.

We know that beginning Sunday, September 17, Gale Roberts will lead a 4 week adult class at 9:30 on the book of Tobit, written about 200 years before Christ. It’s a Jewish work which describes how God tests the faithful, responds to prayer and protects the covenant community. You will want to be present for this!

Paula Shepard has worked very hard to set out responsibilities and schedules for readers, worship leaders, preachers, even for coffee hour and cleanup persons. Please make her burden lighter by showing up when you’re scheduled.

Every leader, every preacher will have their own way of expressing the truth that God is – and that God is for us – and that we are for God and the people of God. Cut each other some slack – Welcome the changes- Rejoice in those who are willing to put in the work!

Paula also put up a list on the bulletin board in the parish hall for food for the potluck scheduled for Sunday, September 10 – my last day as your priest. Please do try to bring something if you are able to come – It should be a good time!



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