St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Grace upon Grace! Thank you.

The Diocesan Accessibility Workshop Saturday, September 9, 2023
The parish hall is small. Almost all the bathrooms were out of service due to the a/c leak that necessitated tearing out the ceiling and insulation – not yet repaired. But your hospitality is legendary, and those who attended had an excellent time despite the inconvenience. We got three electric wheelchairs in there – with room to spare – and parents and pother adults interested in thinking about how we can all make our worship and living spaces accessible to everyone spent three productive hours together.
One of the best consequences of this for St Albans might be that Father Peter DeVeau, one of the participants, who is living with the physical difficulties post stroke, has agreed to be one of your supply clergy. Peter is a remarkable man and you’ll definitely enjoy him!

ALSO – Remember that not all disabilities are visible. Both Becca Cox and Paula Shepard, have invisible, but sometimes debilitating, chronic illnesses. Please do not ask of them more than they can reasonably do without overtaxing their ability to manage pain and weariness.
And finally – About AUTISM – Remember that Dr Lori Cohen is still leading the mental health group on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 in the parish hall. It has, at least for the moment, evolved into a support group for autistic adults and for parents and others who have relatives or friends with autism. If you are aware of families who need to talk it out with others who are experiencing the same stresses and asking the same questions, looking to find ways to make life better for their autistic family members, remember to invite them to this group.

NEXT SUNDAY – Christian Education
Beginning next Sunday at 9:30 AM, Gale Roberts will lead a class on the short, inter-testamental book of Tobit. Copies of the text will be available at the first class. Everyone is invited and welcome!
Before worship, please pick up a questionnaire at the back of the church and indicate which topics would interest you – what classes you’d like to study – or teach – during the coming months. They can be for a single week – or a series – on biblical topics, themes, or theological issues, or the intersection of political and social issues from the perspective of faith, You decide!

This is the last newsletter I will be sending from St Albans. Jolyn Hecht will assume responsibility for publishing these notes, probably, for now, once weekly.

I want to thank you all so much for Sunday’s amazing service and the dinner afterwards. I am grateful to Sandy Sherry and Becca Cox for arranging the special music – and to Jennifer Smith as well on the organ. My heart is full. The St Albans’ Facebook page has more photos and videos of the special music. The sermon will be posted on the website later today. You are poised to move ahead and do new things, and to be something new, too – something only you will discern and welcome as you pray and speak to each other and listen carefully – and it will be a good thing, too!

And thank you so much for the gift for landscaping in Georgia! That was perfect – You know how much I hate “stuff.”
Be brave. Trust God. All is well.



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