Cathy Cox Christmas Eve, 2022 Most of you know, if you read the newsletters, that I […]
Homily – Advent 4A – December 18, 2022Isaiah 7:10-16, Matthew 1:18-25 Many of our biblical stories […]
Cathy Cox Sunday, Advent 3 December 11, 2022Isaiah 35:1-10, Psalm 146, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11 Anathea […]
St Alban’s Episcopal ChurchBolivar, MissouriSaturday-Sunday, January 7-8, 2023 A wonderful day: The Ordination of Ryan Williams […]
St Alban’s Episcopal ChurchBolivar, MissouriFriday, January 6, 2022 Epiphany All Nations Shall Serve You Western Epiphany […]
St Alban’s Episcopal ChurchBolivar, MissouriThursday, January 5, 2023 The Eve of the Epiphany 12th Day of […]
St Alban’s Episcopal ChurchBolivar, MissouriWednesday, January 4, 2022As Christmas comes toward its end: Some ancient words […]
St Alban’s Episcopal ChurchBolivar, MissouriMonday, January 2, 2022 The Christmas hymn we didn’t singThe Week to […]
St Alban’s Episcopal ChurchBolivar, MissouriSaturday, December 31, 2022 New Year’s Eve7th day of Christmas The Holy […]
St Alban’s Episcopal ChurchBolivar, MissouriFriday, December 30, 2022Sunday in Christmastide The Collect for SundayAlmighty God, you […]