St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Sunday, May 29, 2022The week that was at St AlbansOur Baby Trees
Don’t ask me what they are – I’m not sure! Even when I recognize that something is an oak, I have no idea which sort it is.But they are beautiful and so is the meadow where they are growing. We will clip the grass around each tree and then mulch them so that we all know where they are – and can see them and stake the ones that have been pushed over a bit by the hail and rain.

The Garden
Lexi Walker, her children, Becca and her kids and I worked in the garden this week. We just started on one end, so that we could get the Easter lilies and other lilies in the ground. It was fun to see them digging, forking the ground, and making careful holds for the pepper plants, cucumber, squash, and young tomatoes.This week we will try to get more of the garden tilled and ready to add more flowering plants, veggies, and seeds. It’s late in the season, but because of the rain it’s been hard to get tools into the ground.



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