St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Sunday, July 10, 2022

More from GC and Adult class at 9:30

The Episcopal Way
The Adult class at 9:30 will continue the discussion, this week on chapter 11 – “Practicing Mutuality with the Other,” led by Gale Roberts. Ryan plans to conclude this book by combining the final 2 chapters next Sunday, July 17.
Searching for Sunday
On July 24 we will begin the new book, Searching for Sunday, by Rachel Held Evans. You can order it for kindle or as a used book. Instead of a single leader, w will take turns leading the conversation, Mother Cathy will start the discussion on that day, but any others who are willing will be invited to take a Sunday to lead the conversation.

The Garden
With the drought continuing, we are only going to water the few things that are doing well, and let the rest of the garden go. We can’t afford the amount of water we would need to use with these high temperatures and direct sun. We are also going to be getting plenty of manure from Kim Moudy, which we will pile at one end of the garden and plow into the ground later this fall. That should help with making the ground healthier for next year’s planting.

Saturday News from General Convention, 2022
One of the really important things that happened yesterday was the unanimous vote in the House of Deputies (everyone who is not a bishop) to welcome the reunification of the Diocese of North Teas and the Diocese of Texas. That history of separation is an interesting and complicated and painful one – but it’s wonderful that they are reuniting! The Diocese of North Texas (which was for some years the Diocese of Forth Worth) voted to reunite in their recent diocesan convention, but it required approval of General Convention. House of Bishops will also give consent.



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