St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Monday, July 11, 2022

The Weekend That WasThe Sermon
As I mentioned at the time, it was nearly all taken from the last sermon the Rev Dr. Martin Luther King preached the day before he was assassinated. I only added some context, and the connection with the Amos text. It is now available on the St Alban’s Church website. And if you didn’t hear it, you might want to read it. MLK was a fine preacher.

The Newsletter This Week
It will be sporadic. I am leaving tomorrow morning early to go to Nebraska for my annual gathering with the 5 women I graduated from high school with in 1965.

The Eucharist – Lyndsay was pretty determined to get hers first! It was good to have the Whatley kids and the Walkers back -It’s hard with vacations and in this heat, but we love it when the children are around!

General Convention News
The shortened Convention wrapped up today, after approving the reunification of the Diocese of North Texas (formerly the Diocese of Fort Worth) with the Diocese of Texas. A great day of celebration for them all. If you are on Facebook, you will see an excellent video by Bishop Jos (formerly of Dio. West Mo – now bishop of Idaho) on our page. There are other reports there as well.

You have probably head that our organist, Jennifer Smith, is retiring at the end of July. Jean Vincent, who is a member of St Albans, will take her place, using first the 88 key piano she donated to us. She will get used to the organ with time!



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