St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Possible changes to our garden area to make it easier, cleaner, and require less water
A different kind of garden
Jean Vincent introduced me to this garden idea today – She has done it at her house, and her daughter has done it extensively. It requires heavy tubs – which are cheaply available. Lori spray painted hers so they look great. The ground is prepared by leveling it (after getting the dirt you want!) and stapling down permeable ground cover to prevent weeds. Each pot has a pvc pipe in it and a small hole on the side near the bottom. It works like a french drain. You water simply by putting the hose directly in the pipe until it begins to drain out the lower hole. No wasted water. You can see that she is growing all kinds of things – and really each child or family could plant a pot or two with whatever appeals to them. She even has a few corn plants – a grape vine, hanging cucumbers – pole beans growing over the arches, and amazing tomatoes, peppers, lettuces and beets. They are beautiful as well – and if there are weeds, they are easy to get rid of quickly. This year, between the heavy rains, then the soggy ground and the schedules of those who usually have worked in the garden, it didn’t get planted until late. And now the drought is killing us. I’d like us to consider doing something like this next year – with preparations of the soil and the leveling of the ground beginning in the fall – We can get the help we need to start this. And we don’t have to use the entire space the first year, if we don’t want to. It would look better, and produce better without the interference of rabbits or overgrowth of weeds – and with considerably less effort once the structures are is established. We already have much of what we would need.



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