St Alban’s Episcopal Church Bolivar, Missouri Monday, August 8, 2022 Why we still wear masks A case of COVID This morning Lexi Walker let me know that she had just tested positive for COVID. She had just come back from vacation, and travel is a common way to pick up the virus. BUT she wore a mask Sunday – and so did you. And all the fans were on. Still, we don’t want to let up on our precautions – It’s a matter of love, more than even a matter of safety. The likelihood of anybody getting infected is low. But this is exactly why we wear them except at the altar or when reading or preaching. It’s why we wear masks serving the bread and wine. She is young, healthy and vaccinated, so she isn’t likely to get very sick, either. But pray for Lexi and the family – and keep wearing your masks when you’re indoors or anywhere there are crowds. RB on Sunday If you were at church yesterday, you probably noticed how RB came up to the altar immediately after the peace. And he always wants to greet every single person at the peace. He will wait until you notice him! He knows exactly when it’s time. Children learn the ritual without even being taught. And did you notice that he knew exactly where the hard cushion is, so that he could get it out and place it behind the altar so he could stand beside me and still see? Then when I washed my hands he insisted on having his hands washed, too. When it was time to elevate the bread and wine he wanted to help hold the chalice. Now this is what I believe. No child ever has to carry a processional cross or read, or assist in any way. I have never asked RB to do any of this. For whatever reason, it is, right now, deeply important to him. And that means that in some imperceptible way he is being drawn right into the heart of the mystery of faith. When that happens to any child or any adult, we want to encourage it. If you feel as if you’d like to try something but are shy – don’t be. If you’d like to read scripture, or the prayers, or write the prayers of the people for a week, or lead a session of the adult class, or assist with communion – please don’t be uneasy. Just let me know. This is our worship. I officiate, but we all celebrate. |
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