St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

An anniversary the plan for Friday’s event

This is the format for Friday’s event
An introduction to the theme, hermeneutical considerations: i.e. how we read scripture in context so that what we read reflects what earlier listeners would have heard. How is scripture related to experience, reason and tradition – to today’s news?
Then a presentation: gender in God, roles of women in scripture – not what you might expect,complementarianism vs egalitarianism – and a third way that demonstrates a reality beyond either way of understanding – and that more closely reflects the actual biblical stories – and perhaps our own.
We will then have dinner (soup and bread) and everyone can continue to discuss and engage with each other. 
There is, of course, no cost. 
IF anyone asks you about what we are doing, or why, especially after this announcement appears in the Wednesday paper, share this – or have them call the church and I will return their call – or they can text or email me.


Today is the 19th anniversary of my priestly ordination. Except for brief weekends as supply for another congregation, I have been at St Albans for the entire time. That is some evidence that I understand women’s role in the church and in society  in that third way.  A lot has changed over these years, both within the congregation and within my own family. .And a whole lot more has changed in the world and in the United States and within the church – broadly understood – as well as within the Episcopal Church. One might say that neither St Albans nor I are the same as when I first began ministry here. And yet – and yet – we are.
We know something about the power of a past event, even all the small weekly and daily events of our lives when they are celebrated in the present. That’s what we do every Sunday when we remember the power of the death of Jesus until he comes again – in bread and wine. See Lindsay and RB having their hands washed with me before the Eucharistic prayer. They are the church now. The ministers now. The future already present.



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