St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

News, updates and Sunday Sept 25 An apology and an explanation

I know that some of you are unhappy that I haven’t maintained the daily newsletters during the last month. I do apologize. It is my intention to do them, but now perhaps a couple of times a week.  I began during COVID when we had no way to get together. And I enjoyed writing them for you. 
I still do. But the Constant Contact program has made some changes that are frustratingly difficult to navigate, including not showing the text as I write it – That slows me down so much, but so far we have not found a way to override that feature.
And part of it is that I am experiencing more problems with my eyes. It will soon be time to have cataract surgery. So that means my level of patience with the computer, or even a book, is less; it is simply hard to read. And that makes me a little crazy.
So for now, accept a newsletter on probably Tuesday and Saturday, and when i can do more, I will. Thank you for  your patience!


Children in Church. We do privilege children, and invite their fullest participation in the liturgy that they choose to Any child may come up during the Eucharistic prayer so that they can better see what is happening, And families should always also feel free to move up to a forward pew for the same reason. Children are not a distraction. They are not the future of the Church; they are the church right now. 

This is the book we will be discussing beginning next week and through October in the 9:30 adult class. It is available on kindle if you’d like to purchase  your own ion that way – Be careful that you don’t get caught up and make a mistake, ordering the fiction series instead whether you buy a paperback or on kindle!This was Ruth Lewis’ suggestion, and she has wanted to do it for a long time.What does happen to us as we near death? What do near-death experience that patients report  have to say to us? A doctor writes…Bruce Greyson, MD.

This group to support those with mental health challenges and those who love them meets at St Albans every Monday night at 6:30.Dr Lori Cohen is in charge – Please come if you are in this situation, and let others know that it is available. Among Christians there has been so much stigma attached to mental illness, as opposed to physical illness. We want to help erase that.

This program will continue for two more weeks.  Last Friday night’s presentation has been viewed by over 250 persons so far. The week before had a similar online audience. Each presentation will be left on the St Albans Facebook page and on our website. All handouts are there as well. And there are hard copy handouts in the parish hall. We have been delighted with the quality and level of conversation among those who have been able to be present, and the homemade soup and bread and dessert have been excellent as well. Thanks to you who have helped make this possible and welcoming. We knew from the beginning that many people in Bolivar who are curious about these issues would not dare to come in person, which is why we have made it all accessible online. But I did not know that the virtual audience would be so big. All of the presenters are doing the best we can.  We have worked to make this helpful and clear.

Coming this Friday night, September 23, “Transgender – not a choice.”Dr. Lori Cohen will present.



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