St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Thursday, December 1, 2022
World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day in the first week of Advent
This prayer comes from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God of all compassion, comfort your family members who live with AIDS.
Spread over us all your quilt of mercy, love and peace.
Open our eyes to your presence reflected in their faces.
Open our ears to your truth echoing in their hearts.
Give us the strength to weep with the grieving,to walk with the lonely,
to stand with the anxious and depressed.
May our love mirror your love for those who live in fear, who live under stress and who suffer rejection.
Comforting, healing God, grant rest to those who have died and hope to all who live with HIV.
God of life, help us to find the cure now, and help us to build a world in which no one dies alone, and where everyone lives accepted, wanted, and loved.
We pray in your Name. Amen

Women as well as men, children as well as adults, are still living and dying because of AIDS. Thanks to the leadership of people living with AIDS, the world is making strides to equalize access to diagnosis and treatment worldwide.

St Nicholas Day Sunday
Remember that we will be celebrating St Nicholas Day this Sunday – a day for children – and for all of you with a childlike spirit to remember that giving, especially in secret, really is better than receiving! Even a potluck meal is sort of secret until it is revealed!

We are busy making cookies to fill the little bags of St Nicholas Day treats to give to everyone after church this Sunday. We hope to see everyone for Eucharist, and that you will stay for the potluck afterwards. If you haven’t been in awhile, please try to come Sunday to celebrate with Ryan and Anna on their final day at St Alban’s as he continues to prepare for his Jan 7 ordination to the transitional diaconate, and with all the confirmands, and to meet our quite remarkable bishop.



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