St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Today – andA busy weekend ahead

Annual Congregational Meeting (with potluck dinner) after Eucharist on THIS Sunday, February 5th Please make every effort to attend

Paula Shepard, bishop’s warden, will give the annual financial report and speak about the process going forward towards Mother Cathy’s retirement in September.

Giving statements from 2022 will be available if you have not received yours yet.

New directories will be available as well. If we are not certain of all your information, Becca Cox will be calling you this week! There will be fried chicken. Please bring salads or vegetables, any other sides or desserts – whatever you’d like to eat and share.

The Next Sunday, February 12, 2023
As you know, several of the other churches in the southern deanery are looking for full time clergy. As we have done in the past, we have offered for prospective candidates to celebrate Eucharist and preach for us as a way for the various search committees to see whether they think an individual will be a good fit. We expect to have one of those priests with us on February 12.

Mardi Gras party for all, and Ash Wednesday plans in the works now – Stay Tuned!

Adult Education Opportunities
The Prayer Book 3 Sundays, February 5,12,19, 9:30 AM
Many of you own your own copies now.If you do have one, please bring it with you.There’s a whole lot in between those covers that you probably haven’t yet discovered!

Paul: What was his passion?
A five week class at 9:30 on Sundays during Lent: Feb 26 – March 26 9:30 AM
However, There has been a request for me to do a class on a weekday as well. I know there are some who are distracted on Sunday mornings because of children If you would like this option, there will be a signup sheet available on Sunday.

Sermons and More Sermons
If you have felt neglected the last two weeks, as far as the daily newsletters are concerned, you have been. And I apologize. Although I have only saved about 300 of the more than 1000 sermons from the last 25 years, I have been re-reading them all for a project initiated by a friend. She asked for my favorite 20. I think you probably know this is a hopeless task, to choose so few, and to hope the ones I select best represent my thought and passion and exegesis (both of our times and of the scriptures). It has been a full time thing – but now I am finished. See you tomorrow and then daily again as usual. Thank you for your patience.



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