St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A Letter from Bishop’s Warden Paula Shepard to the congregation

Dear people of St Alban’s,
Not to act is to act.
Please join us this Sunday for our Annual Meeting and then for two additional meetings in the coming weeks to develop a plan for the future of our congregation. I relate strongly to the metaphor of our congregation as a river, where individuals and families arrive and others leave and still there is no stopping the power of the water.
Mother Cathy will be missed once she retires in September, but she deserves joy in moving to another phase in her life, and we need to find the best way to celebrate her time at St Alban’s. Know that we are not content to drift into irrelevance without her. Let’s gather at a table together and talk. We have big questions to consider.

Questions like: Where are you on your spiritual journey? How much energy and time are you willing to commit to St Alban’s? Who are we, and what are we for as a congregation? What ministries does God desire that we put into the world? How do we designate the role of groups around the responsibilities of maintaining the church building itself? We need to itemize and sort them into some type of groupings.
We need to establish a calendar and complete assignments for the rest of 2023.
With so much to do, we really need your input. You voice is essential. Please plan to attend after church this Sunday, February 5th.
We are planning a potluck. Chicken will be provided – but please bring sides and desserts.
It will be fun. And important!

Paula Shepard
Bishop’s Warden



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