St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Saturday, March 18, 2023 “Rose” Sunday 4 Lent – Rejoice!

The Gospel for this Sunday is the long story in John about the man born blind. (John 9:1-41) There is a whole lot in this story –The question of what it means to “see”. The question, who is really “blind”? The wonder: how does someone recover their sight – or gain it in the first place? And who is Jesus who gave this man vision?

The Old Testament reading is from 1 Samuel 16:1-13, but it is also about sight. Samuel is seeking to discover who God has chosen to replace King Saul. And yet, when faced with the many sons of Jesse of Bethlehem, he doesn’t know which one it is. And again and again he selects the wrong one, because he’s looking for the wrong signs. God has to tell him, “Do not look on his height or the appearance of his stature…”Only after all the sons he might have expected to be the one pass by, rejected, does he finally see David – “the youngest, who is keeping the sheep.” Nobody thought he would be the one – but he was.

Good News – Rejoice!
As a result of my plea a few days ago, we have received some large donations for the new discretionary fund, not only from you, but from former members of St Albans as well – friends who are grateful for what you all do. THANK you for contributing so that we can meet the immediate and short-term needs of our neighbors.

More Good News – Rejoice again!
I spent an hour or so with Deacon Ryan Williams this week. It was so good to hear about all he is doing and learning during these days of diaconal service at Christ Church. We anticipate his ordination to the priesthood in July, I asked him if he would celebrate his first Sunday Eucharist as a priest at St Albans on the Sunday after his ordination – and he accepted! We will continue to support him and his family as they enter this new ministry.

Potluck again Sunday March 19 – 4 Lent
There WILL BE GLUTEN FREE FOOD! Main dishes will be varieties of pasta – Bring lasagna, spaghetti, etc. But feel free also to bring any sides you’d like, including salads, fruit, dessert instead.
Another discussion about the future of St Alban’s without a regular clergy person will continue. Mother Cathy retires on September 10, and we need to be ready!



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