St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Sunday, March 19, 2023
4 Lent COLD Sunday morning outside but it is warm indoors!

Lexi Walker and her classmates at SBU left early this morning for a week in Cost Rica. They will be doing work projects at a facility where they will also lead some youth camps. Please continue to pray for her that her morning sickness subsides enough to make it a great time away.

Don’t stay home because of the cold, or you’ll miss four good things!

First – The Paul class continues at 9:30. Today we will be discussing Paul’s attitudes towards women. You have heard him quoted a lot. But what he was actually talking about might not be what you imagine – Come and see

SecondSandy Sherry, Ruth Lewis and Becca Cox will be singing a beautiful trio during the Offertory.

Third – after Eucharist there is the potluck dinner – and I have heard something about what people are making/bringing – It sounds delicious – and there will be gluten-free options as well.

Fourth – Bishop’s warden, Paula Shepard, the people’s warden, Jolyn Hecht and our fabulous new treasurer, Dana Rocha have been working hard. You won’t want to miss the conversation, and they need your input as well.

BettyAnn Reed, who some of you remember from the days before she became so ill, and whom a few of you met on the Sunday she was well enough to come after a complicated surgery, needs your continued prayer. She was taken by ambulance to KUMC and is in their surgical ICU with a large abdominal aortic aneurysm that is leaking and potentially life-threatening. Surgery may be Monday. She is cheerful and optimistic, as she always is. Her parents were among the founding members of St Alban’s.

Minda Cox As you know, her wheelchair is again inoperable, which means she is currently living literally on the floor. The part she needs to repair this one, while still waiting for a new one, will not ship until at least March 27. She, too, is positive in her outlook, but it is exhausting. Please pray for patience and energy. She has several big projects coming up this week and next.

We did manage to bring in a few branches of the buds and blooms from the star magnolia before they froze and turned brown in the cold. They will be on the altar tomorrow. Pretend that they are rose-colored!

Each family is invited to please take a rough-draft directory and make any changes in your information that are needed. We do not have all your birthdays and anniversaries, for one thing, so do check! Sometimes there are mistakes in email addresses and phone numbers as well. Make changes, give the whole thing back to Mother Cathy, and we will get corrected copies properly copied and assembled this week.

Gracious Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ came down from heaven to be he true bread which gives life to the world: Evermore give us this bread. that he may live in us, and we in him..



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