St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

School starts tomorrow!

News of Bishop Curry
The Polk County Museum
Springfield and Bolivar Schools start tomorrow.

Pray for our kids – and for all of them who will return to the classrooms, to sports and music, to art and science, to math and reading – and to history and sport. And pray for parents and teachers, too – bus drivers and administrators. And for patience for everyone who will be adjusting to new schedules, new faces, new software – I hope you schedule NOTHING for them tomorrow night. Just an easy night. A good dinner. they will be more tired than they think. And hugs. Lots of hugs. Unless your son is playing soccer at the high school. Xavier has his first game tomorrow in this horrific heat – Pray for all the coaches and kids. And for Ziggy, who doesn’t start classes again at MSU until a bit later –

Time is getting short! Newsletter help needed – Mother Cathy’s final Sunday as priest in charge will be September 10. After that, we will need someone to take over the newsletter responsibility. You won’t have to write all the articles. People and groups who have news will hopefully send it to you to include. You can decide how often to send it out, and the program is very easy to use. Please let Paula Shepard or Becca Cox know if you are willing to take this on.

Bishop’s Committee meeting
Bishop’s committee meeting is scheduled for this Sunday, August 27, after Eucharist. There is a lot to discuss – so please do come if you are able. Anyone is invited to participate in conversation as we continue to plan how to move forward without a regular priest.

Daddy’s girl – Ellie Williams yesterday morning. It was so sweet to hear her repeated, “daddy, daddy!”

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is in the hospital again following a recurrence of internal bleeding. The doctors are weighing the potential risks and benefits of surgery to remove his right adrenal gland and an attached mass, which appears to be the source of the bleeding. Please pray for him and for his physicians. He is stabilized for now and may be released tomorrow.

You may not know that Jean Vincent is effectively in charge of the Polk County Museum in Bolivar. You might not even know that there IS such a museum, or that it has been totally renovated and renewed because of Jean’s leadership. If you have never been – try to go this fall. It is not open in winter. If you have been before – go see it again – You’ll find things you haven’t seen before! It’s really good!
201 W. Locust St – (Across from First Baptist Church. 417-326-6850Open 1-4 Monday, Thursday and Friday until mid-September. And 1st and 3r Saturdays – Sept 2 and 16th 1-4.Adults $5.00/teens $2.50; Family $15.00



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