St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Upcoming Events At St Alban’s and in the Diocese Upcoming
Diocesan Convention Bishop Search Process

Upcoming Events
Sunday, August 27 – Bishop’s Committee meeting at St Alban’s after Eucharist. There is a lot to discuss – so please do come if you are able. Anyone is invited to participate in conversation as we continue to plan how to move forward without a regular priest.

Thursday, August 31 – Small Group Facilitator Training – a Diocesan program. Learn about the facilitator’s purpose within group discussions and feel empowered to lead small groups. Register now for August 31:

Saturday, September 9 – Access for All God’s Children – a diocesan gathering at St Albans for anyone with a disability, visible or invisible – or interested in helping to create accessible space and culture for others in church – 11 AM – 2PM with lunch


Sunday, September 10 – 10:30 AM Mother Cathy’s final Eucharist as our priest after 20 years. She tried to retire in 2015, but this time it’s for real! Pot-luck dinner to follow. Even if you’ve been away for awhile, do come. It will be fun.

Friday, September 15 – Diocesan Youth Missioner will host a Youth Game Night –for 6th-12th grade kids in the southern deanery – including food and fun and games – 6-8 pm at St James Episcopal Church, Springfield -Register today

Saturday, September 16 – Diversity Commission – Fall diversity workshop at Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage – 9:30-3:30 General Convention has asked that leaders at all levels should receive training on the Church’s teaching about racial and other forms of diversity present within the human family.
Some more young people we love!

Diocesan Convention will take place on November 10th-11th at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral.
The Convention will elect lay and clergy members to Bishop Kemper School of Ministry, Board of Examining Chaplains, Commission on Ministry, Disciplinary Board, and Standing Committee. Go to the Diocesan website to read descriptions of all positions to serve.
Registration for Convention will open September 8th and will remain open until October 13th. Delegates and visitors must register themselves online.

Convention Events
Friday, November 10th: This year there will be a Diversity Workshop from 9:30am – 3:30pm for those who can’t attend the earlier one in Carthage
Ministry Fair: 5:30pm-9pm
Convention check-in: 6-9pm
Opening Eucharist: 7pm with reception to follow

Saturday, November 11th:
Convention Check-in: 7:30am -8:45am
Ministry Fair: 7:30am through final break
Morning Prayer: 8:30am
Business Session: 9am

The search for our next bishop for the Diocese of West Missouri has begun. As you know, Bishop Diane is a provisional bishop, only with us for about three years. The Standing Committee which oversees the search and election of our new bishop invites you to get involved in the process. The search website is now live:
You are invited to apply for positions on the three committees that will guide us toward the election and consecration of a new bishop. 
Apply by October 1
1) The Bishop Search Committee: gathering information and ideas about the future, creating a diocesan profile, evaluating nominees and applicants, presenting a slate of 3-5 candidates for election. Active from November 2023 to August 20242) 

2)The Transition Committee – which will introduce the candidates to the Diocese and coordinating the election of a bishop at the 2024 Diocesan Convention – Active from February 2024 through November 20243) 

3)The Consecration Committee – help bishop-elect and family relocate to West Mo, work with Presiding Bishop’s Office to plan consecration liturgy – Active form Feb. 2024 through Consecration weekend in April or May 2025



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