St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Friday, September 15, 2023

Sunday School is Back !
Beginning Sunday at 9:30 AM, Gale Roberts will lead a class on the short, inter-testamental book of Tobit. Copies of the text will be available at the first class. Everyone is invited and welcome! Keep scrolling to see Gale’s write-up.

Passover animal burnt offerings by the Samaritan Israelites on their Holy Mountain Gerizim in Palestine. They have the 5 Books of Moses written in the Samaritan language and Samaritan script. They see themselves as the True Israel rather than the Jews in Jerusalem and believe their Gerizim is the true mountain of God rather than Mt. Zion. They believe they are the descendants of the 10 Northern Tribes conquered by Assyrians in 722 BC. Persecution by Assyrians, Jews, Romans, Christians, and Muslims and their firm belief in marrying only within your own tribe have reduced their numbers to about 1000. Our Saint Alban’s Sunday School will explore the Book of Tobit which is set in the time period of the exile of the some of the Northern Kingdom population to Assyria. 


Before worship, please pick up a questionnaire at the back of the church and indicate which topics would interest you – what classes you’d like to study – or teach – during the coming months. They can be for a single week – or a series – on biblical topics, themes, or theological issues, or the intersection of political and social issues from the perspective of faith, You decide!

Over the next few weeks and months, the communications will look different from St. Albans. The newsletter will continue but there will be changes as we shift into new roles.
If you have something for the newsletter, please send it to the church email by Tuesday so we can get it into the newsletter for the upcoming week.
We are learning in this new chapter and we ask for grace as we figure out all of the moving pieces.

HOMILY: Jolyn Hecht
READINGS: Genesis 50: 15-21 Romans 14: 1-12 Gospel: Mathew 18: 21-35

9/24- Father Ryan Williams will celebrate
9/24- Outreach Team Meeting
10/1- Father Ross Stuckey will celebrate our Blessings of the Animals service.(Bring your animal(s) or a photo or a collar to have it blessed.



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