St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Friday, September 22, 2023

Tobit continues, Father Ryan joins us…It’s going to be a good Sunday.

In the first week of Gale Roberts’ teachings of Tobit, Sunday School experienced artifacts from Gale’s personal collection and historical information that has us on the edge of our seats waiting for week two.
See that bull at the top of the page? Gale asks– “Is this little bronze statue of a bull representing the God EL the “golden calf” mentioned in the Book of Tobit? We will discuss this in our journey through Tobit in Sunday School 9:30 am September 24th.”
We already knew Gale was a gifted teacher and informed historian but his passion really shines when he’s leading Sunday School.

Please join us after the service, this Sunday, September 24th, for our outreach meeting. We want to discuss upcoming outreach opportunities, give updates, and also have forward planning discussions.

Father Ryan Williams will celebrate the mass this Sunday. If Holy Communion is something that gets you to the pews on Sunday, please join us at 10:30. We would love to see you on Sunday.

Over the next few weeks and months, the communications will look different from St. Albans. The newsletter will continue but there will be changes as we shift into new roles.
If you have something for the newsletter, please send it to the church email by Tuesday so we can get it into the newsletter for the upcoming week.
We are learning in this new chapter and we ask for grace as we figure out all of the moving pieces.

CELEBRANT: Ryan Williams READINGS: Jonah 3:10-4:11 Philippians 1: 21-30 Gospel: Mathew 20: 1-16

9/24- Father Ryan Williams will celebrate mass
9/24- Outreach Team Meeting
10/1- Father Ross Stuckey will celebrate our Blessings of the Animals service. (Bring your animal(s) or a photo or a collar to have it blessed.



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