St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Sunday school at 9:30, Father Ryan celebrates at 10:30.

Sunday School
Both the reading from Isaiah and the reading from Matthew this Sunday Oct. 8, 2023 are about vineyards like this organic vineyard below (in biblical times all vineyards were organic). In addition in Sunday School class we may read about Tobias and Sarah’s wedding that includes a prayer still read in Episcopal Church weddings today.

THANK YOU to everyone who came out for The Blessing of the Animals last Sunday with Father Ross. We loved seeing your pets (live and through photos and items).

Over the next few weeks and months, the communications will look different from St. Albans. The newsletter will continue but there will be changes as we shift into new roles.
If you have something for the newsletter, please send it to the church email ( by Tuesday so we can get it into the newsletter for the upcoming week.
If you send a photo, please send words to go with the photo.
We are learning in this new chapter and we ask for grace as we figure out all of the moving pieces.

THIS SUNDAY: October 8 CELEBRANT: Father Ryan Williams SERMON: Gale Roberts

10/15- Morning Prayer
10/22- Bishop’s Committee Meeting



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