St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Transitions Wednesday, May 10, 2023

All three of the Sunday readings for the 6th Sunday of Easter speak of transitions. In Acts, Paul explores what it means to tell the Jewish story of salvation and new creation in a non-Jewish context. Can the Jesus story move beyond a Jewish context?
The Epistle explores what happens when believers suffer even when they do what is right. Why doesn’t God protect them from what Shakespeare calls, “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune?” How should they behave when other people do them wrong?
And of course, the gospel itself, still set at the last supper, has Jesus talking about what the disciples will experience after he is gone, and that they will be expected to continue to “keep his commandments” even under that stress. How will they transition from seeing Jesus face to face, to the experience of knowing his presence through the Holy Spirit?

Coming up Sunday, May 14, 2023
It is Mother’s Day, but it is also an important day for St Alban’s.
The Rev. Chas Marks, rector of St Augustine’s in Kansas City and the Transitions Officer for the diocese, will be with us for worship and for a time of conversation afterwards.
I have asked him to preach, since it is still hard for me to read, but I will celebrate as we did last Sunday, with the congregation participating in the Eucharistic Prayer.
Please do try to stay after church. Feel free to bring a veggie tray or crackers and cheese, or any other “finger food” you wish, so that there is something simple to eat while he meets with you to listen to your concerns, hopes, fears and dreams.
This is not an easy transition, for sure, but it can be a good one, especially if you are open to a variety of outcomes, and if you can together trust the Spirit to lead you. There are no simple solutions for our ongoing financial struggles, or to the loss of s regular priest. Nobody has a silver bullet.
But your ideas, suggestions and anxieties do matter to Bishop Diane and to the Diocese. You might have some ideas nobody has yet considered! Be here, especially if you haven’t been able to come recently and want a voice in what happens next. 



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