St Alban’s Episcopal Church
Bolivar, Missouri

Tomorrow at St Alban’s Sunday, May 14, 2023

Good News!
Three people for whom you are praying are doing well today – Thank you!
Gertrud Nelson is out of the rehab facility and at home. She’s feeling good, but tired after getting so little uninterrupted, quiet sleep. Her recovery has been steady and to some, surprising. She’s talking and texting and walking and eating and doing everything she needs to do – and doing it well.
David Vincent is also home from the ICU and doing pretty well keeping his blood sugar stable.
Bettyann Reed is finally on an upswing as well. The NG tube is out so that her throat feels better and she’s eating much better. Her need now is to gain some good weight and to get her strength back after that very risky surgery. She may be transferring to Parkview soon.

This Sunday
The Rev. Chas Marks, rector of St Augustine’s in Kansas City and the Transitions Officer for the diocese, will be with us for worship and for a time of conversation afterwards. Please do try to stay. Feel free to bring a veggie tray or crackers and cheese, or any other “finger food” you wish, so that there is something simple to eat while he listens to your concerns, hopes, fears and dreams. It is important to let him know what those are.

Also, Sandy Sherry will be playing her floor harp for the prelude, offertory and postlude. This will be beautiful. Children are welcome to get close enough to watch, but please make sure they don’t touch! Also, PLEASE do not talk or leave during the postlude. It is distracting to the musician and to those who are eager to hear the music Just remain quietly.



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